
10 steps against powerlessness

The feeling of powerlessness and resignation is already a success of the powerful. If no one ever stood up to change the social circumstances, nothing would have changed at all. Your actions matter!

You will not change the world on your own. Fortunately, you are not alone. It is enough to change the world in your personal sphere of activity – and to trust that others do as well. The world is a result of many personal spheres of activity. If those, who feel like they cannot contribute to social change would engage, the world would be a better place tomorrow.

Set small goals – even the longest journey starts with a first move. Here are 10 steps everyone can take:

  1. Be open, look and feel: Perceive what is happening consciously and with all your senses. Do not look away, do not shut yourself off, do not flee. Merely by caring for world affairs you can influence and change it.
  2. Critical consumption of media: Form your own opinion, question every information. Even more: Research profound information yourself. Try a new newspaper/magazine each month. Visit a new, alternative website once a week. Sign up for newsletters, e.g. of Attac, Mehr Demokratie, the Economy for the Common Good etc.
  3. Discuss with friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, when shopping…

4. Change your consumer behavior: organic, regional, fair, sustainable, solidary, democratic…

5. Take part: Become a member of an environmental, social, democracy or solidarity movement. Movements only have political power through the number of members.

6. Engage: Spring into action and actively engage with an organisation of your choice.

7. Visit global summits: Ten to hundred thousands of people travel to summits by WTO, G8 or the European heads of government, to demand new policies. The encounter of like-minded people motivates and inspires, and will give your regional work new meaning and drive.

8. Use untapped potential: Think about your own life and the potential to change something for a better world. Maybe no one has yet thought about it and is grateful for you to lead the way. Behind each world shop, wind park, ethical bank, alternative school or company, there have been individuals with a vision.

9. Find allies: Organising your own life is as important as to find allies and establish networks. By cooperating and joint actions, the impact on the world will increase. If one has a dream, it might stay a dream. If more people have the same dream, it could come true.

10. New society: Mankind made its way from slavery and absolutism to democracy, in many areas women have the same rights as men, in most countries death penalty has been abolished. If many people stand for the same idea, it becomes unstoppable.

Humans are capable of many things. We underestimate ourselves chronically. We consider the mighty to be almighty and do not trust enough in our abilities to chance society. Let us take the future in our own hands.

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