Two SozialMarie awards for Genossenschaft für Gemeinwohl (alternative bank project)

2021-03-30T10:40:27+02:0002. May 2019|

As part of the official award ceremony on May 1st in the ORF RadioKulturHaus in Vienna, the Jury’s main award went to the Slovakian project „Omama“, followed by the “Genossenschaft für Gemeinwohl” on second place. The Jury’s statement: „Interventions on a political level, an alternative educational offer, the redirection of money from the financial industry into a common good-positive real economy, as well as an internal structure following a sociocratic decision model. All of this is part of this comprehensive, innovative concept for social change.”

Press information (DE)

SozialMarie 2019 Website (DE)

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