November 16-18, 2015, SWEDEN
Presentation of the Economy for the Common Good in Sweden
November 16th 2015, 2 pm
Lecture/discussion: "The Economy for The Common Good:
An economic model for the future?"
Venue: Hörsal Sydney Alrutz (13:026), plan 0, Blåsenhus, Kraemers Allé 1, Uppsala
Details here
November 16th 2015, 5 pm
Improv contact workshop (non-public event)
Venue: Bergaskolen Norbyvägen 25, 75239 Uppsala
November 17th 2015, 8.30 am
Lecture/discussion & Breakfast seminar (non-public event)
"Explaining how the ECG model works for cooperations"
Venue: Hallvarsson & Halvarsson, Sveavägen 20, 9 tr.
November 17th 2015, 12.15 am
Seminar/discussion & Lunch (non-public event)
"Sustainable Economy for the Common Good - a neglected part of the SDGs"
Venue: Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Kräftriket 2B
November 17th 2015, 6.15 pm
Lecture & discussion (non-public event)
"The Economy for the Common Good"
Venue: Pustegränd 3, Stockholm
November 18th 2015, 10.30 am
Lecture & discussion (non-public event)
"The Economy for the Common Good"
Venue: Sveavägen 65, room 750, seventh floor, Stockholm
Details here
November 18th 2015, 2 pm
Lecture & discussion
"Co-creating the Economy for the Common Good"
Venue: Sverigesalen, Kistafolkhögskola, Kista Torg 7, Kista Folk High School
Contact: >> Rishabh Khanna
Book: >> Change everything. Creating an Economy for the Common Good
More books: >> Bücher